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At #1 Motoring Solicitors we are a specialist team of motoring lawyers offering professional advice and representation to drivers facing prosecution for dangerous driving offences. We are experts in motoring law with decades of experience defending drivers charged with a range of driving offences.

Whether you’re dealing with a speeding ticket, DUI charge, or any other motoring-related issue, our experienced solicitors have the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the highest quality legal care and representation. We aim to offer effective legal solutions that minimise the impact on your driving licence and get you back on the road safely.

Our Motoring Offence Solicitors Continue to Secure Truly Phenomenal Results At Bristol Magistrates Court

Our team of motoring solicitors has consistently demonstrated exceptional expertise and dedication, achieving remarkable outcomes in a wide range of cases. With an in-depth understanding of motoring law and a proactive approach to defence, our solicitors have navigated the complexities of various cases of dangerous driving, from speeding and drink driving to more intricate legal matters.

The success we’ve seen is not just in the fines and penalties we’ve minimised but also in the significant number of cases where our client’s driving privileges have been preserved, reflecting our commitment to providing a vigorous defence.

Our approach is tailored, considering each client’s unique circumstances, which has proven to be effective in securing favourable verdicts. These results are not just wins for our clients but are a testament to our solicitors’ passion and resilience, reinforcing our reputation as leaders in the field of motoring offences.

If You’ve Been Caught Speeding, Contact Us Today

If you have been caught speeding and are looking for legal representation for your case then do not hesitate to get in touch. Contact us today at 0117 244 3727 or fill out our online enquiry form.

The Penalties For Speeding Offences

Under UK law, penalties for speeding offences can vary widely based on the severity of the offence, the driver’s history, and other circumstances.

Basic Penalties

Minimum Penalty: The starting point for speeding offences is a £100 fine and 3 penalty points on your driving license. If a driver accumulates 12 or more penalty points within 3 years, they could be disqualified from driving with a minimum driving ban of 6 months to 1 year.

Speed Awareness Courses: For first-time, low-level offences, drivers may be offered a speed awareness course as an alternative to penalty points. This course, which costs a small fee, focuses on road safety and the dangers of speeding and cannot be attended more than once every 3 years.

Severity-Based Fines

Fines for speeding can escalate significantly based on how much over the limit you were driving:

For Minor Offenses: If eligible, the police might offer a speed awareness course instead of fines and points. This varies by police force.

Serious Offenses: Offenses significantly over the limit may not be eligible for a speed awareness course, leading to at least a £100 fine and three or six penalty points. Severe offences can result in fines of up to £1,000, or £2,500 if caught on a motorway​

Other Motoring Offences We Defend:

Death By Dangerous Driving or Careless Driving

Our legal team is highly experienced in defending clients against charges of death by dangerous driving or careless driving. Understanding the grave implications of such charges, we approach each case with a meticulous review of the circumstances, aiming to provide a comprehensive defence. Whether challenging the prosecution’s definition of ‘dangerous’ or ‘careless’ or mitigating circumstances that might lead to a reduction in charges, our goal is to ensure your side of the story is heard and justice is served.

Drink Driving or Drug Driving

Facing charges for drink driving or drug driving can have a significant impact on your life. Our solicitors are adept at navigating the complexities of these cases, offering expert advice on the legal limits, the reliability of testing procedures, and potential defences.

Driving Whilst Disqualified / Without Insurance

Driving without insurance or whilst disqualified carries serious penalties, but our solicitors are here to help. We understand that each case has unique circumstances, and we’re skilled in presenting mitigating factors that can significantly influence the outcome.

Using a Mobile Phone Whilst Driving

The laws around using a mobile phone while driving have become increasingly strict. Our team keeps abreast of the latest legal developments in this area to provide informed and effective defences for our clients.

Contact us

Bristol Office

Tel: 0117 244 3727

4 York Court, Upper York Street, Bristol, BS2 8QF,

Opening Times:

Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm
Sat / Sun - Closed

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